
Publications as a senior or lead author are indicated with an asterisk

Hanxiang Peng (2024).
Biases Of Z-Estimators Of Parameters In General Estimating Equations
For Both Fixed And Growing Dimension.

Haixia Smithson, Fang Li and Hanxiang Peng (2023).
Optimal Subsampling For Big Data Penalized Spline Single Index Models.

Fei Tan, Xiaofeng Zhao and Hanxiang Peng (2023)
Optimal Subsampling Approach To The Analysis of Count Data of Massive Size

Sheng Zhang, Fei Tan and Hanxiang Peng (2023).
Sample Size Determination For Multidimensional Parameters
And The A-Optimal Subsampling In A Big Data Linear Regression Model.

Shan Wang and Hanxiang Peng (2023).
Improving Estimation Efficiency In Structural Equation Models
By An Easy Empirical Likelihood Approach.

Shan Wang and Hanxiang Peng (2023).
Maximum Empirical Likelyhood Estimation of Linear Functionals Of
A Probability Measure With Infinitely Many Constraints.

Cameron Byrum, Xin Dang, Hanxiang Peng and Wei Wei (2009)
Robustness and Efficiency of the Theil-Sen Estimator in Simple and Multiple Linear Models

Fang Li, Hanxiang Peng* and Fei Tan (2009)
The Asymptotic of the Theil-Sen Esimators When the Covariates are Deterministic.

Xin Dang, Hanxiang Peng*, Xueqin Wang and Heping Zhang (2009)
Theil-Sen Estimators in a Multiple Linear Regression Model. The algorithm can be found at
TSE Algorithm