Heterogeneity, Reinforcement Learning and Chaos in Population Games

Jakub Bielawski, Thiparat Chotibut, Fryderyk Falniowski, Michał Misiurewicz and Georgios Piliouras


Traditional evolutionary game theory is a powerful tool for analyzing the statistics of a large population participating in a game. However, the behavior of the individual agents are based on simple memoryless dynamics and this collective behavior is typically represented by a single distribution encoding the frequency of the different actions played deterministically by all the infinitesimal agents. In this paper, we study a more general model that captures a large population of agents of different types, each of them performing reinforcement learning, leveraging memory of past actions' performance and outputting unpredictable behavior. The state of the system is captured not by a single discrete distribution but involves more complex measures capturing all possible heterogeneous learning states of the population of agents. We apply this advanced learning model in congestion games, which are well known to admit an essentially unique equilibrium solution. We showcase that our learning dynamics can exhibit convergence to numerous asymmetric equilibrium states as well as phase transitions to chaos. Remarkably, even in the chaotic regime, precise predictions can be made about the system performance as the time-average cost of all actions are shown to be equal to each other and in fact agree with their values at equilibrium. Therefore, a plethora of novel heterogeneous normative solutions are shown to be dynamically emergent in population games.