Math 442
Foundations of Analysis II
Spring 2007
Time: Tuesday and Thursday, 4:30 - 5:45 pm
Place: LD 229
Textbook: Real Mathematical Analysis, by
Charles Pugh
Instructor: Michal Misiurewicz
Office: LD 224F
Phone: 274-8101
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 2:00 - 4:00
Course description: This is the second unit of
the 2-course sequence (Math 441 and Math 442). The objective of those
courses is to teach students basic ideas of Mathematical Analysis at a
substantially higher level of abstraction and rigor than in Calculus
courses. This semester we will start with Function Spaces and try to
get as far as possible (and reasonable).
Grading policy: Each week there will be homework
assigned, to be submitted for grading. The homework scores will
constitute 30% of the total score. There will be three tests. The
lowest test score will be dropped. The test scores will constitute 40%
of the total score. There will be also a
comprehensive final examination. The final exam score will
constitute 30% of the total score.
You need approximately 80% of the maximum possible score for A-,
66.7% for B-, 53.3% for C-, and 40% for D-.
Final Examination: Tuesday, May 1, 3:30 - 5:30
Withdrawal deadline: March 30. Details can be found

Homework assignments:
- Series (j), (l) and (n); for January 23
- Exercise 3b, page 251; for January 30
- Find a sequence of real bounded functions f_n, defined on the
interval [0,1] and convergent pointwise to a bounded function
f such that f_n are Riemann integrable, but f is not; for
February 6
- Exercise 9, page 252; for February 15
- Give an example of a subset of C^0([a,b],R) which is closed and
bounded, but not compact; for February 22
Last updated: February 15, 2007
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