Michal Misiurewicz's list of publications

(including preprints)

  1. On some imbeddings of lattices into the normal lattices, Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci., Ser. sci. math., astr. et phys. 17 (1969), 431--436
  2. On expanding maps of compact manifolds and local homeomorphisms of a circle, ibid. 18 (1970), 725--732
  3. On non-continuity of topological entropy, ibid. 19 (1971), 319--320
  4. Diffeomorphism without any measure with maximal entropy, ibid. 21 (1973), 903--910
  5. Topological conditional entropy, Studia Math. 55 (1976), 175--200
  6. A short proof of the variational principle for a Z^N_+ action on a compact space, Asterisque 40 (1976), 147--157
  7. Entropy of piecewise monotone mappings (with W. Szlenk), ibid. 50 (1977), 299--310 (this is a short version of 13.)
  8. Topological entropy and degree of smooth mappings (with F. Przytycki), Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci., Ser. sci. math., astr. et phys. 25 (1977), 573--574
  9. Entropy conjecture for tori (with F. Przytycki), ibid., 575--578
  10. Horseshoes for mappings of the interval, ibid. 27 (1979), 167--169 (this is a short version of 11.)
  11. Horseshoes for continuous mappings of an interval, in "Dynamical Systems", Liguori Editore, Napoli 1980, pp. 127--135
  12. Invariant measures for continuous transformations of [0,1] with zero topological entropy, in "Ergodic Theory" (Lecture Notes in Math. 729), Springer, Berlin 1979, pp. 144--152
  13. Entropy of piecewise monotone mappings (with W. Szlenk), Studia Math. 67 (1980), 45--63
  14. Existence of a homoclinic point for the Henon map (with B. Szewc), Commun. Math. Phys. 75 (1980), 285--291
  15. Strange attractors for the Lozi mappings, Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 357 (1980) ("Nonlinear Dynamics"), 348--358
  16. Periodic points and topological entropy of one dimensional maps (with L. Block, J. Guckenheimer and L.-S. Young), in "Global Theory of Dynamical Systems", (Lecture Notes in Math. 819), Springer, Berlin 1980, pp. 18--34
  17. Structure of mappings of an interval with zero entropy, Publ. Math. IHES 53 (1981), 5--16
  18. Absolutely continuous measures for certain maps of an interval, ibid., 17--51
  19. On iterates of e^z, Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 1 (1981), 103--106
  20. Hopf's theorem on invariant measures for a group of transformations (with D. Ramachandran), Studia Math. 74 (1982), 183--189
  21. Topological entropy and metric entropy, in "Theorie Ergodique", L'Enseigment Math., Geneve 1981, pp. 61--66
  22. The result of Rafal Kolodziej, ibid., pp. 57--60
  23. Odd chaos (with T.-Y. Li, G. Pianigiani and J. Yorke), Phys. Lett. A 87 (1982), 271--273
  24. No division implies chaos (with T.-Y. Li, G. Pianigiani and J. Yorke), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 273 (1982), 191--199
  25. Periodic points of maps of degree one of a circle, Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 2 (1982), 221--227
  26. Perturbations and transitivity for certain maps of an interval, ibid., 229--240
  27. Attracting Cantor set of positive measure for a C^infinity map of an interval, ibid., 405--415
  28. Maps of an interval, in "Chaotic behaviour of deterministic systems", North-Holland 1983, pp. 565--590
  29. Twist sets for maps of the circle, Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 4 (1984), 391--404
  30. Convergence of images of certain measures (with A. Zdunik), in "Statistical Physics and Dynamical Systems" (Progress in Phys. 10), Birkhauser 1985, pp. 203--219
  31. Embedding inverse limits of interval maps as attractors, Fundam. Math. 125 (1985), 23--40
  32. One-dimensional dynamical systems, in "Proceedings of International Congress of Mathematicians, Warszawa 1983", PWN 1984, pp. 1277--1281
  33. Twist periodic orbits and topological entropy for continuous maps of the circle of degree one which have a fixed point (with Ll. Alseda, J. Llibre and C. Simo), Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 5 (1985), 501--517
  34. Twist periodic orbits and topological entropy for continuous maps of the circle of degree one which have a fixed point (with Ll. Alseda, J. Llibre and C. Simo), in: Actas VII Congr. Ecuac. Diff. y Appl., Univ. de Granada 1985 (this is a short version of 33.)
  35. Dimension of invariant measures for maps with exponent zero (with F. Ledrappier), Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 5 (1985), 595--610
  36. Rotation intervals for a class of maps of the real line into itself, ibid., 6 (1986), 117--132
  37. Chaos almost everywhere, in "Iteration Theory and its Functional Equations" (Lecture Notes in Math. 1163), Springer, Berlin 1985, pp. 125--130
  38. Remark on the definition of topological entropy, in "Dynamical Systems and Partial Differential Equations", Caracas 1986, pp. 65--68
  39. Rate of convergence for computing entropy of some one-dimensional maps (with K. Ziemian), in "Ergodic Theory and Related Topics II", (Teubner-Texte zur Math. 94), Leipzig 1987, pp. 147--159
  40. Lower bounds of the topological entropy for continuous maps of the circle of degree one (with Ll. Alseda, J. Llibre and F. Manosas), Nonlinearity 1 (1988), 463--479
  41. Smooth chaotic maps with zero topological entropy (with J. Smital), Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 8 (1988), 421--424
  42. Primary cycles on the circle (with L. Block, E. Coven and L. Jonker), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 311 (1989), 323--335
  43. Jumps of entropy in one dimension, Fundam. Math. 132 (1989), 215--226
  44. Periodic orbits of maps of Y (with Ll. Alseda and J. Llibre), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 313 (1989), 475--538
  45. Periodic and strange attractors in a model of a chemical system (with A.L. Kawczynski and K.W. Leszczynski), Polish J. Chem. 63 (1989), 239--247
  46. Absolutely continuous invariant measures for maps with flat tops (with M. Benedicks), Publ. Math. IHES 69 (1989), 203--213
  47. On n numbers on a circle (with A. Schinzel), Hardy - Ramanujan Journal 11 (1988), 30--39
  48. Formalism for studying periodic orbits of one dimensional maps, in "European Conference on Iteration Theory (ECIT 87)", World Scientific, Singapore 1989, pp. 1--7
  49. Cycles for degree -1 circle maps (with K. Ziemian), in "European Conference on Iteration Theory (ECIT 87)", World Scientific, Singapore 1989, pp. 8--25
  50. Topological entropy for circle maps of degree one (with Ll. Alseda, J. Llibre and F. Manosas), in "European Conference on Iteration Theory (ECIT 87)", World Scientific, Singapore 1989, pp. 382--391 (this is a short version of 40.)
  51. Persistent rotation intervals for old maps, in "Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory", Banach Center Publ. 23, PWN, Warsaw 1989, pp. 119--124
  52. Rigid sets in the plane (with J. Aaronson and S. Glasner), Israel J. Math. 68 (1989), 307--326
  53. Periods and entropy for Lorenz-like maps (with Ll. Alseda, J. Llibre and C. Tresser), Ann. Inst. Fourier 39 (1989), 929--952
  54. Rotation sets of toral flows (with J. Franks), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 109 (1990), 243--249
  55. Rotation sets for maps of tori (with K. Ziemian), J. London Math. Soc. (2) 40 (1989), 490--506
  56. At the other side of a saddle-node (with A. L. Kawczynski), Commun. Math. Phys. 131 (1990), 605--617
  57. Period adding phenomenon in 1D return maps (with A. L. Kawczynski), Z. Phys. Chemie (Leipzig) 271 (1990) 5, 1037--1046
  58. Monotonicity properties of the family of trapezoidal maps (with K. Brucks and C. Tresser), Commun. Math. Phys. 137 (1991), 1--12
  59. Roots of continuous piecewise monotone maps of an interval (with A. Blokh, E. Coven and Z. Nitecki), Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae 60 (1991), 3--10
  60. Rotation sets and ergodic measures for torus homeomorphisms (with K. Ziemian), Fundam. Math. 137 (1991), 45--52
  61. Entropy of piecewise continuous interval maps (with S. V. Shlyachkov), in "European Conference on Iteration Theory, ECIT 89", World Scientific, Singapore, 1991, pp. 239--245
  62. Pushing inward, in "European Conference on Iteration Theory, ECIT 89", World Scientific, Singapore, 1991, pp. 371--375
  63. Combinatorial patterns for maps of the interval (with Z. Nitecki), Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 94 (1991), no. 456
  64. Kneading sequences of skew tent maps (with E. Visinescu), Ann. Inst. H. Poincare, Probab. Stat. 27 (1991), 125--140
  65. Periodic orbits for interval maps with sharp cusps (with A. L. Kawczynski), Physica D 52 (1991), 191--203
  66. Comparing periodic orbits of maps of the interval (with C. Bernhardt, E. Coven and I. Mulvey), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 333 (1992), 701--707
  67. Entropy of snakes and the restricted variational principle (with J. Tolosa), Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 12 (1992), 791--802
  68. Horseshoes and entropy for piecewise continuous piecewise monotone maps (with K. Ziemian), in "From phase transitions to chaos", World Scientific, Singapore 1992, pp. 489--500
  69. Combinatorial Dynamics and Entropy in Dimension One (with Ll. Alseda and J. Llibre), World Scientific (Advanced Series in Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 5) 1993, Second Edition 2000
  70. Horseshoes, entropy and periods for graph maps (with J. Llibre), Topology 32 (1993), 649--664
  71. Unimodal interval maps obtained from the modified Chua equations, Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg. 3 (1993), 323--332
  72. Cycles for disk homeomorphisms and thick trees, (with J. Franks), in "Nielsen Theory and Dynamical Systems Conference Proceedings", Contemporary Math. 152 (1993), 69--139
  73. Minor cycles for interval maps, Fundam. Math. 145 (1994), 281--304
  74. Rotation numbers of projectivities (with M. Frantz), J. Math. Anal. Appl. 194 (1995), 823--844
  75. Thirty years after Sharkovskii's Theorem, Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg. 5 (1995), 1275--1281
  76. Continuity of entropy revisited, in "Dynamical Systems and Applications" (World Scientific Series in Applicable Analysis, vol. 4), World Scientific, Singapore, 1995, pp. 495--503
  77. Lacing irregular shoes, Math. Inteligencer 18 No. 4 (1996), 32--34
  78. Entropy of transitive tree maps (with Ll. Alseda, S. Baldwin and J. Llibre), Topology 36 (1997), 519--532
  79. Trajectory of the turning point is dense for almost all tent maps (with K. Brucks), Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 16 (1996), 1173--1183
  80. New order for periodic orbits of interval maps (with A. Blokh), Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 17 (1997), 565--574
  81. Dense set of negative Schwarzian maps whose critical points have minimal limit sets (with A. Blokh), Discrete Contin. Dynam. Sys. 4 (1997), 141--158
  82. Entropy and over-rotation numbers for interval maps (with A. Blokh), Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 216 (1997), 229--235
  83. Remarks on Sharkovsky's Theorem, Amer. Math. Monthly 104 (1997), 846--847
  84. Shear rotation numbers (with E. Doeff), Nonlinearity 10 (1997), 1755--1762
  85. Entropy of twist interval maps (with A. Blokh), Isr. J. Math. 102 (1997), 61--100
  86. Collet-Eckmann maps are unstable (with A. Blokh), Commun. Math. Phys. 191 (1998), 61--70
  87. Badly ordered cycles of circle maps (with Ll. Alseda and J. Llibre), Pacific J. Math. 184 (1998), 23--41
  88. Rotating an interval and a circle (with A. Blokh), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 351 (1999), 63--78
  89. Wild attractors of polymodal negative Schwarzian maps (with A. Blokh), Commun. Math. Phys. 199 (1998), 397--416
  90. Rotation and entropy (with W. Geller), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 351 (1999), 2927--2948
  91. Topological entropy of nonautonomous piecewise monotone dynamical systems on the interval (with S. Kolyada and L.Snoha), Fundam. Math. 160 (1999), 161--181
  92. Low-dimensional Combinatorial Dynamics (with Ll. Alseda and J. Llibre), Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg. 9 (1999), 1687--1704
  93. Typical limit sets of critical points for smooth interval maps (with A. Blokh), Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 20 (2000), 15--45
  94. Topological entropy for multidimensional perturbations of one-dimensional maps (with P. Zgliczynski), Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg. 11 (2001), 1443--1446
  95. Rotation numbers for certain maps of an n-od (with A. Blokh), Topol. Appl. 114 (2001), 27--48
  96. Combinatorial Dynamics, Topology Atlas Invited Contributions 6 (2001), 1--3
  97. Attractors for graph critical rational maps (with A. Blokh), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354 (2002), 3639--3661
  98. Possible jumps of entropy for interval maps, Qualit. Th. Dyn. Sys. 2 (2001), 289--306
  99. Topological Methods in Dynamics (with J. Franks), in "Handbook of Dynamical Systems", vol. 1A, eds. B. Hasselblatt and A. Katok, Elsevier, Amsterdam 2002, pp. 547--598
  100. Permutations and topological entropy for interval maps, Nonlinearity 16 (2003), 971--976
  101. Linear orderings and the sets of periods for star maps (with Ll. Alseda), J. Math. Anal. Appl. 285 (2003), 50--61
  102. On Bowen's definition of topological entropy, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., Ser. A, 10 (2004), 827--833
  103. Topological entropy, in "Encyclopedia of General Topology", eds. K. P. Hart, J. Nagata and J. E. Vaughan, Elsevier, Amsterdam 2003, pp. 147--149
  104. Entropy of maps with horizontal gaps, Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg. 14 (2004), 1489--1492
  105. Expanding polymodials (with A. Blokh and C. Cleveland), in "Modern Dynamical Systems and Applications", eds. M. Brin, B. Hasselblatt and Ya. Pesin, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004, pp. 253--270
  106. Real 3x+1 (with A. Rodrigues), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133 (2005), 1109--1118 ( posted electronically on October 15, 2004)
  107. Branched derivatives (with A. Blokh), Nonlinearity 18 (2005), 703--715 ( posted electronically on December 13, 2004)
  108. Attractors and recurrence for dendrite-critical polynomials (with A. Blokh), J. Math. Anal. Appl. 306 (2005), 567--588
  109. Strict inequalities for the entropy of transitive piecewise monotone maps (with P. Raith), Discrete Contin. Dynam. Sys. 13 (2005), 451--468
  110. Ergodic natural measures, in "Algebraic and Topological Dynamics" (Contemporary Mathematics 385), eds. S. Kolyada, Y. Manin and T. Ward, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI (2005), pp. 1--6
  111. Irrational Life (with W. Geller), Experimental Math. 14 (2005), 271--275
  112. Iterations of linear maps over finite fields (with J. G. Stevens and D. M. Thomas), Linear Algebra Appl. 413 (2006), 218--234 (posted electronically on October 25, 2005)
  113. Julia sets of expanding polymodials (with A. Blokh and C. Cleveland), Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 25 (2005), 1691--1718 (posted electronically on November 16, 2005)
  114. Negative periodic orbits for graph maps (with J. Llibre), Nonlinearity 19 (2006), 741-746 (posted electronically on February 6, 2006)
  115. A Strong Hot Spot Theorem (with D. H. Bailey), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 134 (2006), 2495-2501 ( posted electronically on March 22, 2006)
  116. Strange Adding Machines (with L. Block and J. Keesling), Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 26 (2006), 673-682 ( posted electronically on March 24, 2006)
  117. Rotation sets of billiards with one obstacle (with A. Blokh and N. Simanyi), Commun. Math. Phys. 266 (2006), 239-265 ( posted electronically on April 14, 2006)
  118. Exact Devaney chaos and entropy (with D. Kwietniak), Qualit. Th. Dyn. Sys. 6 (2005), 169-179
  119. Affine actions of a free semigroup on the real line (with V. Bergelson and S. Senti), Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 26 (2006), 1285 - 1305
  120. Double standard maps (with A. Rodrigues), Commun. Math. Phys. 273 (2007), 37-65 ( posted electronically on March 13, 2007)
  121. Dynamics of the Nash map in the game of Matching Pennies (with R. A. Becker, S. K. Chakrabarti, W. Geller and B. Kitchens), J. Difference Equ. Appl. 13 (2007), 223-235
  122. Planar finitely Suslinian compacta (with A. Blokh and L. Oversteegen), Proc. Amer. Math.Soc. 135 (2007), 3755-3764 (posted electronically on August 15, 2007)
  123. Combinatorial Dynamics, Scholarpedia, 2(10):3228 (2007)
  124. Rotation Theory, Scholarpedia, 2(10):3873 (2007)
  125. Topological entropy (with R. Adler and T. Downarowicz), Scholarpedia, 3(2):2200 (2008)
  126. On the tip of the tongue (with A. Rodrigues), J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 3 (2008), 131-141 (posted electronically on April 1, 2008)
  127. Real saddle-node bifurcation from a complex viewpoint (with R. A. Perez), Conform. Geom. Dyn. 12 (2008), 97-108
  128. Attractors for unimodal quasiperiodically forced maps (with Ll. Alseda), J. Difference Equ. Appl. 14 (2008), 1175-1196
  129. Sets of constant distance from a compact set in 2-manifolds with a geodesic metric (with A. Blokh and L. Oversteegen), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 137 (2009), 733-743 (posted electronically on October 8, 2008)
  130. Local critical perturbations of unimodal maps (with A. Blokh), Commun. Math. Phys. 289 (2009), 765-776 (posted electronically on January 13, 2009)
  131. Omega-limit sets for spiral maps (with B. Kitchens), Discrete Contin. Dynam. Sys. 27 (2010), 787 - 798 (posted electronically on February 25, 2010)
  132. Omega-limit sets for the Stein-Ulam Spiral map (with K. Baranski), Topology Proceedings 36 (2010), 145 - 172 (posted electronically on March 2, 2010)
  133. Microdynamics for Nash maps (with W. Geller and B. Kitchens), Discrete Contin. Dynam. Sys. 27 (2010), 1007 - 1024 (posted electronically on March 31, 2010)
  134. Euler approximations can destroy unbounded solutions (with R. T. Guy), Fasciculi Mathematici 44 (2010), 43 - 52
  135. Sensitive dependence on parameters, J. Math. Phys. 51 (2010), 102704 (12 pages) (posted electronically on October 22, 2010)
  136. A note on a rational difference equation (with Ll. Alseda), J. Difference Equ. Appl. 17 (2011), 1711 - 1713 (posted electronically on February 23, 2011)
  137. Non-generic cusps (with A. Rodrigues), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 363 (2011), 3553 - 3572 (posted electronically on February 18, 2011)
  138. Singular limits of absolutely continuous invariant measures for families of transitive maps (with P. Eslami), J. Difference Equ. Appl. 18 (2011), 739 - 750 (posted electronically on July 4, 2011)
  139. Hyperbolic dynamics in Nash maps (with R. A. Becker, S. K. Chakrabarti, W. Geller and B. Kitchens), in: Discrete Dynamics and Difference Equations (Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications), World Scientific, Singapore 2010, pp. 15 - 45
  140. The dynamics of the Nash map for 2 by 2 games (with R. A. Becker, S. K. Chakrabarti, W. Geller and B. Kitchens), in: Dynamics, Games and Science II, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics, 2011, Volume 2, pp. 549 - 565
  141. Fixed points for positive permutation braids (with A. Rodrigues), Fund. Math. 216 (2012), 129 - 146
  142. A spectral radius estimate and entropy of hypercubes (with W. Geller, B. Kitchens and M. Rams), J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg. 22 (2012), 1250096 (6 pages)
  143. Irrational square roots, College Math. J. 44 (2013), 53 - 55
  144. Turning numbers for periodic orbits of disk homeomorphisms (with A. Rodrigues), J. Fixed Point Th. Appl. 13 (2013), 241 - 258 (posted electronically on April 26, 2013)
  145. Spectral radius of a nonnegative matrix: from Rome to Indy, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 141 (2013), 3977 - 3983 (posted electronically on July 30, 2013)
  146. Random interval homeomorphisms (with Ll. Alseda), Proceedings of New Trends in Dynamical Systems. Salou, 2012, Publ. Mat. (2014), 15 - 36
  147. Spaces of transitive interval maps (with S. Kolyada and L. Snoha), Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 35 (2015), 2151 - 2170 (posted electronically on August 5, 2014)
  148. Skew Product Attractors and concavity (with Ll. Alseda), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 143 (2015), 703 - 716 (posted electronically on October 3, 2014)
  149. Periodic points of latitudinal sphere maps, J. Fixed Point Th. Appl. 16 (2014) 149 - 158 (posted electronically on November 5, 2014)
  150. No semiconjugacy to a map of constant slope (with S. Roth), Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 36 (2016), 875 - 889 (posted electronically on November 10, 2014)
  151. Semiconjugacy to a map of a constant slope (with Ll. Alseda), Discrete Contin. Dynam. Sys. B 20 (2015), 3403 - 3413 (posted electronically on September 30, 2015)
  152. Loops of transitive interval maps (with S. Kolyada and L. Snoha), in: Dynamics and Numbers, Contemporary Math. 669, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2016, pp. 137 - 154
  153. Symbolic dynamics for Lozi maps (with S. Stimac), Nonlinearity 29 (2016), 3031 - 3046 (posted electronically on August 19, 2016)
  154. Periodic points of latitudinal maps of the m-dimensional sphere (with G. Graff and P. Nowak-Przygodzki), Discrete Contin. Dynam. Sys. A 36 (2016), 6187 - 6199 (posted electronically on August 31, 2016)
  155. Counting preimages (with A. Rodrigues), Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 38 (2018), 1837 - 1856, (posted electronically on January 24, 2017)
  156. Constant slope maps on the extended real line (with S. Roth), Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 38 (2018), 3145 - 3169 (posted electronically on May 2, 2017)
  157. Entropy locking (with D. Cosper) Fund. Math. 241 (2018), 83 - 96 (posted electronically on September 25, 2017)
  158. Farey-Lorenz permutations for interval maps (with W. Geller), Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg. 28 (2018), 1850021 [7 pages]
  159. Shub's conjecture for smooth longitudinal maps of Sm (with G. Graff and P. Nowak-Przygodzki), J. Difference Equ. Appl. 24 (2018), 1044 - 1054 (posted electronically on March 25, 2018)
  160. Lozi-like maps (with S. Stimac), Discrete Contin. Dynam. Sys. A 38 (2018), 3003 - 3023
  161. Periodic points for sphere maps preserving monopole foliations (with G. Graff and P. Nowak-Przygodzki), Qualit. Th. Dyn. Sys. (posted electronically on November 27, 2018)
  162. Forcing among patterns with no block structure (with A. Blokh), Topology Proceedings 54 (2019), 125 - 137 (posted electronically on December 21, 2018)
  163. Renormalization towers and their forcing (with A. Blokh), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 372 (2019), 8933 - 8953 (posted electronically on August 20, 2019)
  164. Special α-limit sets (with S. Kolyada and L. Snoha), in: "Dynamics: Topology and Numbers", Contemporary Math. 774 (2020), 157 - 173
  165. Family of chaotic maps from game theory (with T. Chotibut, F. Falniowski and G. Piliouras), Dynamical Systems 36 (2021), 48 - 63
  166. A fresh look at the notion of normality (with V. Bergelson and T. Downarowicz), Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. 21 (2020), 27 - 88
  167. Topological entropy of Bunimovich stadium billiards (with H.-K. Zhang), Pure and Applied Functional Analysis 6 (2021), 221 - 229
  168. Coarse entropy (with W. Geller), Fund. Math. 255 (2021), 91 - 109
  169. The route to chaos in routing games: When is price of anarchy too optimistic? (with T. Chotibut, F. Falniowski and G. Piliouras), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 (NeurIPS 2020), 766 - 777
  170. Follow-the-Regularized-Leader Routes to Chaos in Routing Games (with J. Bielawski, T. Chotibut, F. Falniowski, G. Kosiorowski and G. Piliouras), Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 139 (2021), 925 - 935
  171. Expansion properties of double standard maps (with M. Benedicks and A. Rodrigues), Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 43 (2023), 2549 - 2588 (posted electronically on July 5, 2022)
  172. Travel in an infinite desert (with W. Geller), Amer. Math. Monthly 129 (2022), 913 - 923
  173. Ability and diversity of skills (with W. Geller), Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 70 (2023), 60 - 66 (posted electronically on December 20, 2022)
  174. Flexibility of entropies for piecewise expanding unimodal maps (with Ll. Alseda and R. Perez), in: A vision for dynamics in the 21st century. The legacy of Anatole Katok, Cambridge University Press, 2024, pp. 48 - 66
  175. Memory loss can prevent chaos in games dynamics (with J. Bielawski, T. Chotibut, F. Falniowski and G. Piliouras), Chaos 34 (2024), 013146


  1. Coarse entropy of metric spaces (with W. Geller and D. Sawicki): abstract, PDF file
  2. Heterogeneity, Reinforcement Learning and Chaos in Population Games (with J. Bielawski, T. Chotibut, F. Falniowski and G. Piliouras): abstract, PDF file (main text), PDF file (supplementary information)
  3. Topological entropy of generalized Bunimovich stadium billiards (with H.-K. Zhang): abstract, PDF file
  4. Evolution of the Sharkovsky Theorem (with A. Blokh): abstract, PDF file
  5. Holes, nonconvexity, and curvature in metric space (with W. Geller): abstract, PDF file
  6. The real teapot (with Ll. Alseda, J. Bobok and L. Snoha): abstract, PDF file

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Last updated: February 17, 2024