Fei Tan
Associate professor
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
402 N.Blackford St., Indianapolis, IN, 46202

Office: LD 224S
E-mail: feitan AT iupui dot edu
Phone: (001)317-274-9730
Fax: (001)317-274-3460

PhD in Statistics (2007), Department of Statistics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. Advisor: Dr. Dan McGee
MS in Statistics (2005), Department of Statistics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
BS in Mathematics (2001), Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China


Spring 2016:
STAT 53600 Introduction to Survival Analysis
STAT 51100 Statistical Methods I

Fall 2015:
STAT 52100 Statistical Computing
STAT 35000 Introduction to Statistics

Spring 2015:
STAT 53600 Introduction to Survival Analysis
STAT 35000 Introduction to Statistics

Fall 2014:
STAT 52100 Statistical Computing
STAT 51200 Applied Regression Analysis

Applied Statistics MS Comprehensive Exam:
Datasets: STAT512county.txt, STAT524WifiLocalization.txt.

PhD Students:
1. Dali Zhou (2015-present) Dissertation Research: Application of empirical likelihood method in cluster analysis (co-advising with Dr. Hanxiang Peng)
2. Xiaofeng Zhao (2014-present) Dissertation Research: Using empirical likelihood approach to improve estimation efficiency in survival analysis (co-advising with Dr. Hanxiang Peng)


Areas of interest:
(1) Survival analysis
(2) Empirical likelihood
(3) Statistical Applications

Submitted Articles/Work in Progress:
a. [ZTP] Zhang S., Tan F. and Peng H. Sample Size Determination for Multidimensional Parameters and Optimal Sampling in A Big Data Linear Model. pdf
b. [TZP] Tan F., Zhao X. and Peng H. Optimal Subsampling Approach To The Analysis Of Count Data Of Massive Size. pdf
c. [TLZP] Tan F., Lin Q., Zheng W. and Peng H. A Jackknife Empirical Likelihood Approach to Goodness of Fit U-Statistics Testing with Side Information. pdf
d. [TP] Tan F. and Peng H. Asymptotic Properties of Maximum Partial Likelihood Estimators When The Relative Risk Possesses First Order Derivative. pdf
e. [TP2] Tan F. and Peng H. Improved M-Estimates in Convex Minimization - an Easy Empirical Likelihood Approach. pdf
f. [TXG] Tan F., Xiao H, Gummadi S, Koniaris LG, Feldman JD, Ali A, Adunlin G, and Huang Y. (submitted) Impact of Body Mass Index on Prognosis for Breast Cancer Patients.

[GXG] Goovaerts P., Xiao H., Gwede C.K., Tan F., Huang Y., Adunlin G., Ali A. (accepted) Impact of Age, Race and Socio-economic Status on Temporal Trends in Late-Stage Prostate Cancer Diagnosis in Florida. Spatial Statistics Link
[GXA] Goovaerts P., Xiao H., Ali A., Adunlin G., Tan F., Gwede C.K., Huang Y. (accepted) Geographically-Weighted Regression Analysis of Late-Stage Prostate Cancer Incidence in Florida. Applied Geography Link
1. Tan F., Tang Y., Peng H., (2015). The Multivariate Slash and Skew-Slash Student t Distributions. Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications. 2:3. doi:10.1186/s40488-015-0025-9. Link
2. Xiao H., Tan F., Adunlin G., Ali A., Goovaerts P., Gwede C.K., Huang Y. (2015) Factors Associated with Overall Survival Prostate Cancer in Florida: A Multilevel Analysis. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 26(1):266-77. doi: 10.1353/hpu.2015.0007. Link
3. Tan F. and H. Peng. (2014) Improved M-Estimates In Convex Minimization - An Easy Empirical Likelihood Approach. In JSM Proceedings, Nonparametric Section. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. 2862-2875. Link
4. Tan F. and H. Peng. (2014) An Easy Empirical Likelihood Approach To Efficient Estimation In Models with Side Information. In JSM Proceedings, New Frontiers in Empirical Likelihood Section. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. 2876-2890. Link
5. Xiao H., Tan F., Goovaerts P., Ali A., Adunlin G., Gwede C.K., Huang Y. (2014) Impact of Comorbidities on Prostate Cancer Stage at Diagnosis in Florida. American Journal of Men's Health, doi: 10.1177/1557988314564593. Link
6. Dutton G, Nackers L, Dubyak P, Collins N, Huynh V, Tan F, Anton S, Perri M. (2014) A Randomized Trial Comparing Weight Loss Treatment Delivered in Large versus Small Groups. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 11:123 doi:10.1186/s12966-014-0123-y. Link
7. Dutton G., Herman K, Tan F. Goble M., Dancer-Brown M., Van Vessem N., and Ard J. (2014). Patient and Physician Characteristics Associated with the Provision of Weight Loss Counseling in Primary Care. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, Volume 8, Issue 2, March/April 2014, e123e130, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.orcp.2012.12.004. Link
8. Xiao H., Tan F. Goovaerts P., Ali A., Adunlin G., Gwede C.K., Huang Y. (2013). Multi-level Factors Associated with Overall Mortality for Men Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in Florida. American Journal of Men's Health, Published online before print December 1, 2013, doi: 10.1177/1557988313512862. Link
9. Xiao H., Tan F. Goovaerts P., Ali A., Adunlin G., Huang Y., Gwede C.K. (2013). Construction of Comorbidity Index for Prostate Cancer Patients Linking State Cancer Registry with Inpatient and Outpatient Data. Journal of Registry Management, 40, 159-164. Link
10. Xiao H., Tan F. Goovaerts P., Adunlin G., Ali A., Gwede C.K., Huang Y. (2013). Use of Treatment Information from State Cancer Registry in Prostate Cancer Research. Journal of Registry Management, 40, 127-130. Link
11. Xiao H., Tan F. Goovaerts P., Adunlin G., Ali A., Huang Y., Gwede C.K. (2013). Factors Associated with Time-to-Treatment of Prostate Cancer in Florida. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 24 (2013): 132-146. Link
12. Xiao H., Tan F. and Goovaerts P. (2011). Racial and Geographic Disparities in Late-Stage Prostate Cancer Diagnosis in Florida, Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 22(4 Suppl):187-99. Link
13. Tan F. Rayner G., Wang X. and Peng H. (2010). A Full Likelihood Procedure of Exchangeable Negative Binomials for Modelling Correlated and Overdispersed Count Data. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 140(10), 2849-2859. Link
14. Dutton G., Tan F. Perri M., Stine C., Dancer-Brown M., Goble M. and Van Vessem N. (2010). What Words Should We Use When Discussing Excess Weight? Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 23: 606-613. Link
15. Lebby K., Tan F, Brown C.P. (2010). Maternal Factors and Disparities Associated with Oral Clefts. Ethnicity and Disease, Volume 20, Spring 2010. Link
16. Dutton, G., Tan, F. Provost, B., Allen, B., Sorenson, J., Smith, D. (2009). Relationship between self-efficacy and physical activity among patients with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 32(3), 270-277. Link
17. Dutton, G., Provost, B., Tan, F. Smith, D. (2008). A tailored print-based physical activity intervention for patients with type 2 diabetes. Preventive Medicine, 47, 409-411. Link
18. Tan F. and Wu H. (2004). On Contractible Edges in 3-Connected Graphs, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 30, 141-146. Link