Operator Theory Seminar
The Operator Theory Seminar meets
Wednesdays, 1:30p - 2:45p, LD 229
Fall Semester, starting 9/22/21
The operator theory seminar is a working seminar
for students and others who want
to learn about this kind of mathematics as well as a forum for participants
to present new work, of their own or the work of others, or to read together
related function theory or functional analysis.
All are welcome!
October 6
Speaker: Carl Cowen, IUPUI
Title: “On the Essential Spectrum of Composition Operators" (work with Eva Gallardo)
September 29
No Seminar
September 22
Speaker: Chris Felder, Washington Univ., St. Louis
Title: “On a Hardy Space Approach to the Riemann Hypothesis”
November 4
Speaker: Bill Higdon
Title: Which Solutions to the Abel Functional Equation Are Univalent? (via ZOOM)
September 9
Speaker: Chris Felder, Washington University (St. Louis)
Title: Finding Limits of Optimal Polynomial Approximants (via ZOOM)
April 15 (via ZOOM)
John Herr, Butler Univ.
Title: "Computation of Fourier Series with Respect to the Cantor Measure via the Kaczmarz Algorithm"
April 8 (via ZOOM)
Michael Pilla, IUPUI
Title: "Spectra of Composition Operators in the Unit Ball of C^2", (continued)
April 1 (via ZOOM)
Michael Pilla, IUPUI
Title: "Spectra of Composition Operators in the Unit Ball of C^2"
March 25 (via ZOOM)
Bill Higdon
Title: "Probability Generating Functions and Limiting Distributions"
March 4
Carl Cowen, (IUPUI)
Title: "Thoughts on Krein Spaces (continued)"
February 26
Carl Cowen, (IUPUI)
Title: "Thoughts on Krein Spaces"
February 19
Bill Higdon
Title: "Concerning the Iteration of a Probability Generating Function"
February 5
Bill Johnston, Butler Univ.
Title: "Cauchy Integral Formula for Bicomplex Numbers (Continued)"
January 29
Bill Johnston, Butler Univ.
Title: "Cauchy Integral Formula for Bicomplex Numbers"
January 22
Carl Cowen, (IUPUI)
Title: "The Cesaro Operator"
April 17
Scott Kaschner, (Butler Univ.)
Title: "Power Maps and Polynomials: Geometric Limits of Julia Sets" (concluded)
April 10
Scott Kaschner, (Butler Univ.)
Title: "Power Maps and Polynomials: Geometric Limits of Julia Sets" (continued)
April 3
Scott Kaschner, (Butler Univ.)
Title: "Power Maps and Polynomials: Geometric Limits of Julia Sets"
March 27
Carl Cowen, (IUPUI)
Title: "Universality and Models for Semigroups of Operators on a Hilbert Space: work of B. Celaries"
March 6
Bill Johnston, (Butler Univ.)
Title: "A Reconsideration of Certain Operators"
February 13
Michael Pilla, (IUPUI)
Title: "A Cross Ratio in Two Complex Variables"
February 6
Carl Cowen, (IUPUI)
Title: "Joel Shapiro's and Don Sarason's Perspectives on the Volterra Operator, (concluded)"
January 30
Carl Cowen, (IUPUI)
Title: "Joel Shapiro's and Don Sarason's Perspectives on the Volterra Operator"
FALL 2018
March 21
Michael Pilla, (IUPUI)
A Classification of Linear Fractional Maps in Two Complex Variables
March 6 (Note Special Day and Location!)
Brittney Miller, (Coe College)
An Almost Unfortunate History of Pi in Indiana
(Presented at Butler University)
February 28
Carl Cowen, (IUPUI)
Earl Berkson's Work on Semigroups of Operators
February 7
Scott Kaschner, (Butler U.)
Distortion Bounds for Univalent Functions on the Disk
January 17
Carl Cowen, (IUPUI)
Thoughts on Semigroups of Analytic Functions on the Disk