In this paper, we collect a few fairly well known facts about the
numerical range and assemble them into an effective algorithm for
computing the numerical range of an n x n matrix. Particular
attention is paid to the case in which a line segment is embedded
in the boundary of the numerical range, a case in which multiplicity
is present. The result is a parametrization of the curve that forms
the boundary of the numerical range.
A Matlab implementation of the algorithm is appended below.
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% An Effective Algorithm for Calculating the Numerical Range % Carl C. Cowen and Elad Harel % Purdue University % % This script finds the numerical range of an n x n matrix by % finding the real and imaginary parts of rotates of the matrix % and finding the associated boundary point of that rotate by % finding the largest eigenvalue of the real part and using the % corresponding eigenvector's contribution to the numerical range. % Multiplicity of the largest eigenvalue, as occurs in a normal % matrix, is handled by plotting the end points of the corresponding % segment in the boundary of the numerical range. % A=input('For what matrix do you want the numerical range? ') nm=ceil(norm(A)); th=[0:.01:6.29]; k=1; w=zeros(1,630); for j=1:630 Ath=(exp(i*(-th(j))))*A; Hth=(Ath+Ath')/2; [r e]=eig(Hth); e=real(diag(e)); m=max(e); s=find(e==m); if size(s,1)==1 w(k)=r(:,s)'*A*r(:,s); % % This is the point of the numerical range contributed by % v_t=r(:,s) when the eigenspace of Hth (H_t) is one dimensional. % else Kth=i*(Hth-Ath); pKp=r(:,s)'*Kth*r(:,s); % % The matrix Q described above is r(:,s) % [rr ee]=eig(pKp); ee=real(diag(ee)); mm=min(ee); sm=find(ee==mm); temp=rr(:,sm(:,1))'*r(:,s)'*A*r(:,s)*rr(:,sm(:,1)); w(k)=temp(1,1); % % This is the point of the numerical range contributed by % v_t^- = r(:,s)*rr(:,sm(:,1)) % k=k+1; mM=max(ee); sM=find(ee==mM); temp=rr(:,sM(:,1))'*r(:,s)'*A*r(:,s)*rr(:,sM(:,1)); w(k)=temp(1,1); % % This is the point of the numerical range contributed by v_t^+ % end k=k+1; end fill(real(w),imag(w),'y') axis([-nm,nm,-nm,nm]) axis('equal')